15 Things Your Homeowners Insurance Won't Cover

Homeownership brings a sense of security, but what about the gaps in your insurance coverage? In this comprehensive guide, we unravel the surprising aspects of homeowners insurance that often catch homeowners off guard.

1. Acts of Nature Aren't Always Covered

You'd assume natural disasters are a given, but did you know some policies exclude certain acts of nature? From earthquakes to floods, explore the fine print.

2. Home-Based Business Exclusions

Thinking your home-based business is covered? Not always. Delve into the limitations on coverage for your entrepreneurial ventures.

3. High-Value Items May Require Additional Coverage

Your policy likely covers personal belongings, but high-value items like jewelry or art might need extra protection. Uncover the details.

Homeowners Insurance
Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels

4. Expensive Repairs Post Maintenance Neglect

Routine maintenance is on you, but what if neglect leads to costly repairs? Learn how your insurance may handle or deny claims stemming from neglect.

5. Dog Breeds as a Liability

Did you know your furry friend's breed could affect your coverage? Dive into the surprising restrictions on certain dog breeds.

6. Identity Theft—Not Always Included

In the age of cyber threats, identity theft is a real concern. Find out whether your homeowners insurance shields you from this growing risk.

7. Trampoline-Related Injuries May Not Be Covered

Backyard fun can turn into a headache if trampoline injuries aren't covered. Unearth the restrictions on this seemingly harmless source of enjoyment.

8. Damage from Pests—A Potential Denial

Discover the nuances of coverage when it comes to damages caused by pests. From termites to rodents, see what might be crawling out of your policy.

9. Mold—A Silent Intruder Not Always Insured

Mold issues can silently grow into a massive problem, but does your insurance have your back? Uncover the hidden dangers of mold coverage.

10. Home Office Limitations

The rise of remote work makes home offices crucial, but are they covered? Explore the limitations surrounding home offices in your insurance policy.

11. Sewer Backup—A Messy Situation

When the unexpected happens underground, is your insurance prepared to handle sewer backups? Dive into the messy details of this potential nightmare.

12. Nuclear Accidents—A Surprising Exclusion

While rare, the exclusion of nuclear accidents may catch you off guard. Understand the limitations on coverage in case of a nuclear event.

13. Acts of War—An Unsettling Reality

In tumultuous times, does your insurance stand strong? Delve into the unsettling details of how acts of war impact your homeowners insurance.

14. Vacant Home Vulnerabilities

Leaving your home vacant? Discover how the time your home spends unoccupied can influence your insurance coverage.

15. Fences, Sheds, and Other Structures

Beyond the main structure, what about the rest of your property? Explore the coverage (or lack thereof) for fences, sheds, and additional structures.


Homeowners insurance is a crucial safety net, but understanding its limitations is equally vital. By being aware of these 15 surprising exclusions, you can make informed decisions to secure your home better.


1.Is earthquake coverage a standard inclusion in homeowners insurance?

Earthquake coverage is typically not included in standard homeowners insurance. You may need to purchase a separate policy or rider for this protection.

2.Are all dog breeds treated equally by homeowners insurance?

No, insurance companies may have restrictions on certain dog breeds. It's essential to check your policy and, if needed, secure additional coverage for liability.

3.What steps can homeowners take to protect themselves from identity theft?

While homeowners insurance may not cover identity theft, individuals can invest in separate identity theft protection services for added security.

4.Do insurance policies differ in coverage for pest-related damages?

Yes, policies may vary in their coverage of pest-related damages. It's crucial to understand the terms and conditions of your specific policy.

5.Can homeowners insurance be extended to cover home offices?

Some policies may provide limited coverage for home offices, but it's advisable to discuss and potentially supplement your coverage based on your specific needs.

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